
The travel bug

Hello all! Years later I finally start the blog I have been thinking about for ages. Initially it was going to be in Spanish, so forgive me for any possible mistakes I make in English, as it's not my first language (I would say mother tongue, but my mother tongue is also not my mother tongue).  As you can see in my profile (well, maybe I've changed it by the time you read this post...) I decided to leave everything I had in Barcelona behind in March 2023, hop on a flight to Thailand with only a backpack and not look back. I wanted to experiment life to it's fullest, without any responsibilities and to just go wherever the wind took me. As you can probably imagine, this was not an easy decision.  To put you into perspective, I'll give you some context about my life before that. I moved into a boarding school for top athletes at 14 years old, where I spent an average of 8 hours a day doing synchronized swimming (you know, the thing where you dance upside down in the water